About us
  • CAUT.CASA - real estate search service.
  • Our service provides the ability to search for real estate companies around the world.
  • Service is not an real estate company.
General terms
  • User - physical or legal entity using the website, including using the services and / or any of the services of the site.
  • Service - technological products provided by the right holder of the resource.
  • Depending on the the update intervals on various companies, the service may not reflect the latest information.
  • Service periodically updates data in order to reflect current information.
  • Service is provided to users without any guarantees.
  • Information on the site pages is for informational purposes only and does not represent a public offer.
  • Service does not provide users with rights to intellectual property or any services, nor the associated Service.
  • The owner of the resource does not accept any liability for the accuracy of the information on other companies.
Rules for using this resource.
  • In case of a plurality of different services, some of them may be subject to additional terms of use and restrictions, including those related to the age of the user.
  • Terms of use of certain services in the case of the latter - are a part of these Terms of Use.
  • Using the site, including using the services and / or any from site services, user agrees to these Terms of Use.
  • Using the site, including using the services and / or any of the site's service, the user agrees that his identity may be stored in a database the right owner of the resource.
  • Without the written consent of the owner of the rights to the resource, any information contained on this site or on any service, may not be reproduced, used or served as a source of information for the exercise by natural or legal persons of entrepreneurial activities or anyone other kind of activity. In case of non-compliance with this requirement, the information used for the mentioned purposes is considered to be an integral part of the legal object produced with its use, including product/service, legally encumbered in favor of the holder of rights of this resource.
Privacy policy
  • In order to ensure the normal and safe operation of all services, the legal owner of the resource uses different technology. Some of these data are sent to the user device, one or more files cookie. These data are also needed in cases where the user interacts with the various services, placed on other resources.
  • User understand that without the files cookie, services are not working or are not working correctly.
  • A cookies from different ad networks may also be used on this website.
  • Do not use the service inappropriately and / or illegal manner. It is also forbidden to interfere with the operation of the software and / or equipment or access them, bypassing the standard interface or without special instructions of the service.
  • In the event of cyber attacks, unauthorized access to computer information, including actions aimed at destabilizing the work equipment or software of any of the services, the legal owner of the resource reserves the right to convey the identity of the attackers to competent authorities to further bringing the perpetrators to justice.
Liability and limitation of liability
  • Owner of the resource, a company administrator, as well as the owner of the service shall not be liable for any loss or inconvenience caused by work or the inaccessibility of any service or resource as a whole.
  • All mentioned trademarks on the site belong to their rightful owners.
  • Disagreement with any paragraph of these conditions implies a refusal to use this resource.
  • To inform resource Administrators, user must send an email to the following email address: with any references.
Changes in the conditions and rules
  • Terms of Use may be changed, added or corrected and become effective from the date of publication on the site.